
Friday, July 11, 2014

Paleo Day 5

Today was an amazingly busy day.  My son is headed to college in the fall so he and I meet at the dining room table this morning at 8AM to fill out housing and orientation forms.  I spent the afternoon paying bills and making phone calls.  Tonight I graded a mountain of papers from my online communication class.  One of my facebook friends, asked, when I updated my status to Grading.  "Jo, do you ever rest?" My response was,

"I am squeezing life, my friend, cause it doesn't last forever.  I will be here for but a season, so I'm squeezin'."

Today was a good Paleo day, but not a good blog day.  didn't make any fancy food, but I still had some pretty good food ideas.  
  1. We had a Paleo cereal breakfast.  We aren't allowed to eat cereal or milk on Paleo, but sometimes I just want a cereal crunch.  We put "in season" strawberries and blueberries in a cereal bowl.  We sprinkled walnuts on top and poured unsweetened Almond Milk over the nuts and berries.  It was so satisfying and different from the eggs we've eaten all week for breakfast. We'll definitely do that again. 
  2. We had a kale salad with chicken for lunch.
  3. We had a tomato sauce, zucchini, onions, and garlic concoction for dinner.  It felt like we had a yummy Italian dish.  We didn't have any spaghetti squash handy, so zucchini stood in and our creativity paid off.  It was delicious.
Tomorrow we are headed to a TEDx TALK at High Point University, so I'm a little concerned about maintaining our 30 day Paleo Challenge.  I think I might make spiced nuts to carry with us tomorrow for snaking.  Wish us luck!!!!

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