
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Paleo Day 2

So last night we did the WOD, something or other gone bad, sent in our before pictures (I still need to do that.) and basically signed over a goodly portion of our food choices.  For what?  I think each of us have to answer it for ourselves, but for me the "what" is pretty clear.  I want to wear the clothes that are currently located in the back of my closet.  I need to get tighter control over my health and the weight I am carrying that keeps me from doing so many of the things that others do at crossfit.  I definitely feel encouraged at Camel City Crossfit, but I'd really like to exercise with the "big kids" someday.  I'd also like to continue to model for my teenagers that no matter what hand you've been dealt, you definitely have some control.

Everyone at my house has just about cleaned out the Paleo leftovers from Sunday and I am thinking about what's for dinner.  I think I'll make chicken tonight.  Tonight we'll have stir fried chicken with oregano and lemon/lime juice and garlic, cauliflower  puree and almond green beans sauteed with ghee (clarified butter).   I put directions for our dinner up under the recipes tab, as well as a link to help you clarify your own butter. Here's how it all turned out!

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