
Monday, July 7, 2014

Paleo Challenge Day 1

Good Morning.  I hope your day is going well.  I have added the following recipes to help you get started on your 30 day Paleo Challenge:

Crockpot Pork
Roasted Veggies
Breakfast Hash

Hope these few recipes are enough to give you ideas for what to eat in the next few days.  I have tried to share recipes that are really versatile.  You should be able to use them as foundational Paleo cooking approaches.  From the recipes above you should be able to top lots of dishes with different types of vinaigrette sauces or pico variations, roast any kind of veggie you can imagine, have a basic whatever you have in the fridge hash for breakfast or make a crockpot pork roast. 

See you all at Camel City Crossfit for our benchmark workout and before pictures today!

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