
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Paleo: Days 6 & 7

Day 6 was a blast.  It was the day that I have been tempted to cheat the most so far.  Philippe and I and some of our friends attended the Tedx Talk High Point University.  There were really great speakers and the topics ranged from zen storytelling to retroviruses to Bitcoin.  I learned so much and was really energized by the exchange of ideas.  At the break there was coffe, water and flavored popcorn.  I got both coffee and water and luckily I made spiced nuts before I left the house and brought them with us.  The nuts were a hit with my non Paleo friends too and we finished a quart sized bag between the 6 of us during the TedTalk.   I will make more and post pictures and put the recipe on the recipe tab.

The after party was where most of the temptations were located.  The party was in an antiques showroom in High Point, NC.  The buffet consisted of lots of non Paleo foods, but I found meatballs, a veggie tray, a bit of fruit and a glass of merlot which were safe things for me to eat and drink.  We finished the night off at Bad Daddy's Burger Bar, where they can whip up a Paleo meal in a flash.  I had a lettuce wrap burger with bacon, lettuce, onion and tomato with a side of sweet potato fries.  It was delish.

Day 7 finds me in the kitchen creating protien balls, date nut balls and granola balls for the gym.  The date balls are the only Paleo approved sweet I made.  No cheating, no cheating, no cheating was all I could hear in my head, because I want that extra point at the end of the week for being strict with no penalties at the end of the month.

Our breakfast was leftover ratatouille of onions, zucchini, garlic and tomato sauce left over from Friday.  Not very breakfasty I know, but easily accessible.   I am thinking chicken tonight.  I'll check in later and let you all know.

Dinner was  sweet potato puree, green beans, baked whole chicken and squash/tomato stir fry.  It was actually really good.  I also tried an experiment tonight.  I used sweet potatoes, coco powder and coconut oil to make a, sweet potato chocolate mousse brownie.  The texture was very mousse like and it was really chocolaty.  I found myself wishing for more sweetness, but it satisfied the yearning for chocolate. 
I feel sort of sore from working out this afternoon, so I am calling it a night.  Sweet dreams Paleo peeps!

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