
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Paleo Day 3

Exercised at Camel City in the early evening yesterday and I'm feelin' it this morning.  It was a pretty sweaty ordeal, which means, I worked hard. I think I need a day off from the gym, maybe my husband and I will stretch and do some floor exercises or take a walk at home tonight.   

We've been thinking about a Skirt Steak and green been salad on a bed of Arugula lettuce (my absolute favorite), with a garlic vinaigrette for dinner tonight.  I made eggs, onions, bacon and spinach for breakfast with a bowl of mixed berries and kiwis.  It was yummy.  

I have also been thinking about the fact that I need to make sure I have snacks around the house so that I have food on hand that I can munch on between meals.  We always buy huge bags of big carrots that we peel and cut into spears.  We never buy baby carrots, because there is really no such thing.  Baby carrots are ground down from larger less perfect carrots and are treated with a process that is supposed to make them last.  I think it makes them tasteless.  I forgot how yummy real carrots are until we joined Costco and started buying big carrots again. 

I'm going to roast an eggplant and some garlic this afternoon to make babaganush.  My friend Sandy gave me an authentic Lebanese cookbook that has a great recipe.  Carrots with babagaush dip sounds like a sensationally savory snack!

New recipes I will be putting up today are: 
Seasoned Grilled Skirt Stake
Spinach and Onion Eggs with Bacon

Let's see what the day brings . . . . Good luck Paleo people!

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