
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Night Before 30 Day Paleo Challenge

No more cheese.

How will I live without cheese?  Thank God for wine (but only one glass per day).

I'm not crazy about rules, but I have followed these Paleo rules before and the results weren't just in my waistline (as in I found it again), the results included having more energy and feeling excited about being on a healthy journey.  Once I get over the initial feeling in the next few days of being angry that I can't put a tablespoon of honey in my coffee every morning or in my tea each afternoon, I think I'll be okay.  Good luck during these next few days with whatever is most difficult for you.

The first time around I gave up store bought dressings all together and we were eating a lot of salads, so the first recipe I'm sharing is for vinaigrette.  Your first few Paleo meals will likely consist of chicken, steak and a great big salad.  I hope this recipe will enable you to enjoy salads with your very own handcrafted vinaigrettes.  Salads are good and good for you, but you'll want to branch out. In the days and weeks to come, I'll be posting new recipes and letting you know what Paleo deliciousness we are eating at our house. Stay tuned.

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