
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Night Before 21 Day Sugar Detox

My family and I will be eating according to Diane Sanfilippo's 21 Day Sugar Detox.  I have both the eating plan book and the cookbook, but the basic yes/no/and limited food lists are online at:

I also printed the food logs on this website so that I can begin to keep a food log and keep track of my blood sugars on this eating plan.

This plan is Paleo, with major restrictions on fruits, which allows cheese within reason.  There are 3 levels of detox and I will be using the middle level that doesn't allow legumes or any grains, but does allow cheese.   I will be restricting nuts as well in order to maximize weight loss. 

Today we cleaned out the fridge and went to the grocery to prepare to begin tomorrow's detox.  I have a teenaged athlete and a young adult home from college so we didn't rid the house of all the pasta and grains.  I am hopping to attract them with tasty food, but understand they may need to make themselves additional carbs.

Tonight we prepped for tomorrow since it will be our first day of detox.  We made a sausage, mushroom, spinach and cheese fritatta (see recipes for directions).  I also prepped cucumbers, carrots and stir fried chicken thigh chunks to go into my salad tomorrow.  We started a pork butt with granny smith apples, 1 jalapeno pepper,  a large onion, salt, cumin and the juice of one lime in the crockpot to cook overnight.  

I am sipping my last cup of herbal tea with a bit of honey.  I am worried about having to drink hot tea and coffee without my usual honey, but I had a friend send me some suggestions of non-sweetener spices and herbs to add to either.  We are going to add Cinnamon to our coffee pot tomorrow and I am going to add a bit of coconut oil to my coffee in the morning as well which is a Paleo trick that I've heard about but never tried.  

I am looking forward to increased blood sugar control and I hope with all my heart to loose some belly fat.  As a woman who has been overweight my entire life, my plans aren't to get thin, they are rather to feel healthier and have more energy.  I will be adding in exercise, but I will start by moving more, graduating to the YWCA with the intention of going back to my Crossfit Trainer and doing modified CF. 

Tomorrow I begin again.  I hope you are inspired to join me. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Paleo: Day 9

We started out with a late breakfast of baccon, eggs, onions, tomatoes and spinach.  Good beginning. Everyone will be out late tonight so we'll probably pick up a roasted chicken and finish off the leftovers from Sunday night.  Check in with you later today!  Good luck following the "rules."

Today has been a good day.  Spent time with my 15 year old daughter, met new people at the new board I am serving on and then worked out with Sal and visited a little with the folks at Camel City Crossfit.  Once I got home we used the chicken broth that I made from boiling Sunday's whole chicken bones to make a Paleo, Southwest Chicken Soup.  I used the left over chicken, the broth, an onion and a couple of cans of Rotel tomatoes, with green chili peppers to make a chicken soup.  It was spicy because we all sniffled a little while we ate and my 18 year old son had a second bowl, so it must have been good.


Paleo: Day 8

Day 8  was busy.  Had a meeting at a coffee shop in Lexington.  Took my bag of spiced nuts.  Shared with everyone there.  My daughter bought a smoothie and I ordered ice water. My favorite home made crunchy granola bars are at this coffee shop, but I managed to drink my water and eat the snack I brought for myself during the meeting.   Lunch was at a Monogolian grill in Winston.  I was able to choose cabbage instead of a starch at lunch which was really good.

Last night we were out late taking our daughter to her competitive cheer gym for practice.  My husband and I worked at Panera while she was at practice with a cup of black coffee and water.  We ate leftovers for dinner and I had a bowl of blueberries and strawberries with almond milk for a late night snack because I still felt hungry.  Sometimes I have a hard time eating enough meat at meals, so I don't seem to stay full as long as Philippe.  Overall a good food day, but I have to admit, day 8 was a little on the hard side.  Keeping my head up and following the plan.

The good new is that I earned a bonus point for finishing an entire week without cheating.  Hopefully I can do it again this coming week.  I didn't work out today and I'm not sure I'll be able to on Tuesday either due to a late afternoon meeting.  I will have to work extra hard on working out Wednesday through Sunday of this week.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Paleo: Days 6 & 7

Day 6 was a blast.  It was the day that I have been tempted to cheat the most so far.  Philippe and I and some of our friends attended the Tedx Talk High Point University.  There were really great speakers and the topics ranged from zen storytelling to retroviruses to Bitcoin.  I learned so much and was really energized by the exchange of ideas.  At the break there was coffe, water and flavored popcorn.  I got both coffee and water and luckily I made spiced nuts before I left the house and brought them with us.  The nuts were a hit with my non Paleo friends too and we finished a quart sized bag between the 6 of us during the TedTalk.   I will make more and post pictures and put the recipe on the recipe tab.

The after party was where most of the temptations were located.  The party was in an antiques showroom in High Point, NC.  The buffet consisted of lots of non Paleo foods, but I found meatballs, a veggie tray, a bit of fruit and a glass of merlot which were safe things for me to eat and drink.  We finished the night off at Bad Daddy's Burger Bar, where they can whip up a Paleo meal in a flash.  I had a lettuce wrap burger with bacon, lettuce, onion and tomato with a side of sweet potato fries.  It was delish.

Day 7 finds me in the kitchen creating protien balls, date nut balls and granola balls for the gym.  The date balls are the only Paleo approved sweet I made.  No cheating, no cheating, no cheating was all I could hear in my head, because I want that extra point at the end of the week for being strict with no penalties at the end of the month.

Our breakfast was leftover ratatouille of onions, zucchini, garlic and tomato sauce left over from Friday.  Not very breakfasty I know, but easily accessible.   I am thinking chicken tonight.  I'll check in later and let you all know.

Dinner was  sweet potato puree, green beans, baked whole chicken and squash/tomato stir fry.  It was actually really good.  I also tried an experiment tonight.  I used sweet potatoes, coco powder and coconut oil to make a, sweet potato chocolate mousse brownie.  The texture was very mousse like and it was really chocolaty.  I found myself wishing for more sweetness, but it satisfied the yearning for chocolate. 
I feel sort of sore from working out this afternoon, so I am calling it a night.  Sweet dreams Paleo peeps!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Paleo Day 5

Today was an amazingly busy day.  My son is headed to college in the fall so he and I meet at the dining room table this morning at 8AM to fill out housing and orientation forms.  I spent the afternoon paying bills and making phone calls.  Tonight I graded a mountain of papers from my online communication class.  One of my facebook friends, asked, when I updated my status to Grading.  "Jo, do you ever rest?" My response was,

"I am squeezing life, my friend, cause it doesn't last forever.  I will be here for but a season, so I'm squeezin'."

Today was a good Paleo day, but not a good blog day.  didn't make any fancy food, but I still had some pretty good food ideas.  
  1. We had a Paleo cereal breakfast.  We aren't allowed to eat cereal or milk on Paleo, but sometimes I just want a cereal crunch.  We put "in season" strawberries and blueberries in a cereal bowl.  We sprinkled walnuts on top and poured unsweetened Almond Milk over the nuts and berries.  It was so satisfying and different from the eggs we've eaten all week for breakfast. We'll definitely do that again. 
  2. We had a kale salad with chicken for lunch.
  3. We had a tomato sauce, zucchini, onions, and garlic concoction for dinner.  It felt like we had a yummy Italian dish.  We didn't have any spaghetti squash handy, so zucchini stood in and our creativity paid off.  It was delicious.
Tomorrow we are headed to a TEDx TALK at High Point University, so I'm a little concerned about maintaining our 30 day Paleo Challenge.  I think I might make spiced nuts to carry with us tomorrow for snaking.  Wish us luck!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Paleo Day 4

I am starting to experience hunger.  It's an unfamiliar feeling, but a welcome one. The good thing with Paleo is that I just go find something to eat.  I made the mistake of running into Whole Foods in the afternoon before dinner.  I found myself smelling everything I don't eat and I learned that I will make sure not to go grocery shopping hungry again. 

Not sure what today's food will bring.  I think we may eat leftovers and I may write about salads this afternoon in the recipes section.  By the way Babaganoush didn't happen yesterday.  Hoping to make it today, so that we will have a savory snack during the day.  The recipe reminds me of hummus and I'll make sure and post.

Have a great Paleo Day!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Paleo Day 3

Exercised at Camel City in the early evening yesterday and I'm feelin' it this morning.  It was a pretty sweaty ordeal, which means, I worked hard. I think I need a day off from the gym, maybe my husband and I will stretch and do some floor exercises or take a walk at home tonight.   

We've been thinking about a Skirt Steak and green been salad on a bed of Arugula lettuce (my absolute favorite), with a garlic vinaigrette for dinner tonight.  I made eggs, onions, bacon and spinach for breakfast with a bowl of mixed berries and kiwis.  It was yummy.  

I have also been thinking about the fact that I need to make sure I have snacks around the house so that I have food on hand that I can munch on between meals.  We always buy huge bags of big carrots that we peel and cut into spears.  We never buy baby carrots, because there is really no such thing.  Baby carrots are ground down from larger less perfect carrots and are treated with a process that is supposed to make them last.  I think it makes them tasteless.  I forgot how yummy real carrots are until we joined Costco and started buying big carrots again. 

I'm going to roast an eggplant and some garlic this afternoon to make babaganush.  My friend Sandy gave me an authentic Lebanese cookbook that has a great recipe.  Carrots with babagaush dip sounds like a sensationally savory snack!

New recipes I will be putting up today are: 
Seasoned Grilled Skirt Stake
Spinach and Onion Eggs with Bacon

Let's see what the day brings . . . . Good luck Paleo people!