
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Night Before 21 Day Sugar Detox

My family and I will be eating according to Diane Sanfilippo's 21 Day Sugar Detox.  I have both the eating plan book and the cookbook, but the basic yes/no/and limited food lists are online at:

I also printed the food logs on this website so that I can begin to keep a food log and keep track of my blood sugars on this eating plan.

This plan is Paleo, with major restrictions on fruits, which allows cheese within reason.  There are 3 levels of detox and I will be using the middle level that doesn't allow legumes or any grains, but does allow cheese.   I will be restricting nuts as well in order to maximize weight loss. 

Today we cleaned out the fridge and went to the grocery to prepare to begin tomorrow's detox.  I have a teenaged athlete and a young adult home from college so we didn't rid the house of all the pasta and grains.  I am hopping to attract them with tasty food, but understand they may need to make themselves additional carbs.

Tonight we prepped for tomorrow since it will be our first day of detox.  We made a sausage, mushroom, spinach and cheese fritatta (see recipes for directions).  I also prepped cucumbers, carrots and stir fried chicken thigh chunks to go into my salad tomorrow.  We started a pork butt with granny smith apples, 1 jalapeno pepper,  a large onion, salt, cumin and the juice of one lime in the crockpot to cook overnight.  

I am sipping my last cup of herbal tea with a bit of honey.  I am worried about having to drink hot tea and coffee without my usual honey, but I had a friend send me some suggestions of non-sweetener spices and herbs to add to either.  We are going to add Cinnamon to our coffee pot tomorrow and I am going to add a bit of coconut oil to my coffee in the morning as well which is a Paleo trick that I've heard about but never tried.  

I am looking forward to increased blood sugar control and I hope with all my heart to loose some belly fat.  As a woman who has been overweight my entire life, my plans aren't to get thin, they are rather to feel healthier and have more energy.  I will be adding in exercise, but I will start by moving more, graduating to the YWCA with the intention of going back to my Crossfit Trainer and doing modified CF. 

Tomorrow I begin again.  I hope you are inspired to join me.